Hot Seat Vegas: Spanking Fun in the Desert
by Justin

The 117-degree desert heat was no match for the hands, paddles, belts, straps, brushes, canes, and more, wielded by the guys who attended the inaugural session of Hot Seat Vegas!  The weather really was hot - as in very hot, melting the soles of your shoes hot, being slapped with a hot towel hot - but if anything, this simply kept the more than 150 attendees indoors for plenty of socializing and spanking fun.  Why a new event in Vegas?  As one organizer explained, “We wanted to respond to the community’s desire for there to be an event at a place that was easy to get to, and where everyone who wanted a room could get a room. Having over 150 people attend this first time event was incredibly gratifying and we look forward to an even bigger event next year.”

Organized by the same team that produces the annual Hot Seat Retreat in Palm Springs and the quarterly OTKLA parties in Los Angeles, Hot Seat Vegas is the newest offering of a multi-day spanking party, offering an opportunity for summer play in an easily accessible and comfortable environment.  The city that never sleeps felt like the city that always spanks, but what happens at Hot Seat Vegas need not stay in Vegas.  Spanking friends reading this blog - keep an eye out for an announcement about year two of Hot Seat Vegas and then proceed calmly and quickly to your computer to register!

The host hotel, the Tuscany Suites and Casino, has previously hosted kink events, including the Oasis spanking parties (those are for a mixed-gender audience, and you can read more here).  The hotel’s previous experience certainly helped in bringing our group of spankos together.  In this blog, I’d like to capture what the Hot Seat Vegas experience was like, in hopes of enticing you to attend!

The Tuscany is a hotel complex that includes a main building with a casino and conference center and multiple three-story buildings with guest rooms.  We fully occupied three guest room buildings (“G”, “F”, and “O”).  Many of us have, no doubt, previously played in hotel spaces and worried (well, not enough to avoid play, but it at least crossed our mind) what the folks in the next room must think.  Here, there are no worries for that - the folks in the next room were spankos just like us and if anything, they wanted to know more about what was happening in their neighbor’s suite as those smacks echoed into the early hours of the night!

And all of the rooms are studio suites, with bed(s) and a sitting area that included a table and chairs, couch, overstuffed chair, coffee table, and desk.  Go ahead and let your imaginations run wild about where you could position guys for spankings (SO many things to bend over or be bent over - subs could find themselves bent over a chair, desk, table, or bed, or laying across a bed or couch, or in wheelbarrow position, and so much more; I found the couch particularly comfortable for giving over-the-lap spankings); where you could arrange your implements (many of us discovered that laying them out on the coffee table made for a nice display); and what kind of headspace could be built (roleplayers, the sky’s the limit here…rooms alternatively became homes, principal’s offices, locker rooms, boss’s offices, and more).  Throughout the day, and indeed at all hours of the night, we beat paths between rooms to beat the bottoms within them.

The “G” building offered two larger suites - each with a generous lounge area and two side bedrooms - which were open from noon to midnight for socializing and play.  Kudos to the hosts for keeping them well-stocked with beverages and snacks, as well as two spanking benches and a St. Andrew’s cross.  These suites became the social center for the event.  Nothing to do?  Nonsense.  Go mingle and have some great spanking conversation or play, or pull up a chair and let your eyes wander from scene to scene to scene playing out in front of you.  

One evening as I walked through to unwind after a more private session, there was one person on the bench experiencing different types of implements, each being thoughtfully explained by the spanker; another over a spanker’s knee on a chair; another on the St. Andrew’s cross feeling a paddle; another on a bed in the side room experiencing a flogger, Florentine style; and two at once bent over a bed in the other side room for what looked like some serious efforts to redden their bottoms.  

One evening I was feeling the desire for some play with leather.  I walked into the suite and a friend asked, “How’re you doing?”  I answered, “Fine, how’s your belt?”  Sixty seconds later I was laying bare bottom across a bed seeing just how that belt was (it, too, was fine, as were two billet straps, two other belts, and a wicked rubber strap).  It was actually quite relaxing and I received more than one comment from the audience that I didn’t realize (but that I enjoyed) was watching.  Another evening, I was eating some jalapeƱo chips in the suite, because the weather and bottoms weren’t hot enough, and I leaned back against the wall.  Apparently I accidentally turned off the light switch.  Moments later, a friend with a paddle appeared, as that clearly deserved punishment right then and there, hands on the snack table for a quick paddling…and that was nice.  

I’m a Dom-switch, and the interesting pattern that I noticed about myself was that many of the spankings I received were done in the suites, often spur-of-the-moment fun, while most that I gave were in private rooms.  I suppose I tend to prefer a quieter environment when giving a spanking, and connecting with sub friends, and the space offered that.  

On the Dom side, I discovered the most interesting weighted fire hose paddle, which produces two entirely different sensations depending on which side is used (to be fair, it was also demonstrated on me, as I do like to feel what I’m giving).  

I was able to occupy some intense roleplay space, as a caring Dad and frustrated principal, which is always a memorable moment for me.  Many of us have friends in the community that we only see at events - these really are like family reunions, as my first mentor, the late Coach Frank, also known as Big Daddy Vegas, had explained to me - and continuing to build not only these friendships but also long-standing roleplay relationships that create their own universes, truly means a lot.  You know who you are, and thank you.  

I even did my first-ever bully play scenes, which were new and eye-opening experiences; they charged a powerful Dom-sub dynamic and (this part being important to me) did not require being “mean” or hurtful.  Knowing that my bully-sub enjoyed it made me want to give an even more powerful experience; it all builds fun for the players. Perhaps that will be the topic of a future blog.  

Much of this may sound like the event was comprised of some public play in party suites and one-on-one play in individual rooms.  That’s true, but the event was also much more than that.  The organizers made sure that there were plenty of structured opportunities to build spanking fellowship.

We had access to a large banquet room in the hotel conference center that hosted a variety of events.  With one exception, play was not allowed in that space, but it hosted full breakfasts each morning, which was a great way to start the day, network a bit, catch up with friends, and think about (or make connections for) the day’s activities.  There were also mixers on Wednesday and Thursday night, with pizza on Wednesday and heavy appetizers on Thursday, which let us take a much-needed breather before continuing the day.  On Saturday evening, there was a wonderful dinner that allowed us to sit back and celebrate who we are, as well as offering our appreciation to the event organizers.

In addition to this, the event offered a few more formal programming options for those who were interested.  “Exploring Hypnosis: Spanking Edition” gave a scientific overview of hypnosis and how it might apply to spanking play, including some brief demonstrations.  Yes, you can replicate a spanking without implements or physical contact, solely through the power of the mind!  There was, for those unruly students out there, a “Detention Hall” roleplay event in which attendees (or perhaps we should say detentionees) had to write a letter of apology to their teacher for a fictional group offense.  And yes, those apologies were read aloud, and their tone (okay, some were actually pretty funny) certainly influenced the punishments that were given.  A middles-themed party (Dads were only invited to attend in the second half, so no telling what mischief was going on) provided a space for enjoying some fun and games in the group suite.  

And, of course, what is Vegas without some classic casino-style games?  The banquet room opened twice for some games - once for a Texas Hold ‘Em tournament and once for casino-style game night.  No money changed hands and it was all in good fun, but these were the exception to the “no spanking in the ballroom” rule.  For instance, on game night, players could go to tables operated by attendees who had volunteered to run blackjack, roulette, and craps.  Of course, we had chips. In fact, they had been donated several years prior by Big Daddy Vegas, and it was a fitting tribute that we used them to pursue one of his favorite pastimes - spanking.  And, it wasn’t just chips that players could earn, but also the ability to give and receive, what else, but spankings!  I dealt the dice game craps, and alongside my table there were an array of implements.  Roll the wrong number or lose a high-stakes bet, and you better believe they got used.

I’m actually writing this from the airplane as I travel home, thinking back on some good times.  While the event spanned Wednesday through Sunday, it feels like time just flew by, and too quickly.  This is the sign of a great event and a great crowd.  And, it’s a sign of the tremendous work that goes into planning an event of this scale, for which we must profusely thank the organizers.   

Keep your eye out for next year’s Hot Seat Vegas.  Okay, it isn’t actually on the books just yet, but I think there’s a crowd of spankos who are just returning from a fun weekend who sure would like to see this become an annual event.  Let’s keep our fingers crossed!

Watch for an upcoming episode of the Dudes Spankin’ Dudes podcast for some further discussion of the event and the experiences it offered.  


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