Home Dungeons - Creating Your Own Play Place
by Trevor


When looking for a new apartment, most people are focusing on the floor plan, where they can put that new couch, and whether or not the space will accommodate a work party.  However, on my tour, I was looking at the ceiling for places to hang chains and shackles to host not a dinner party, but rather to restrain my sub.  

In writing our book, my coauthor and I visited a variety of home dungeons and interviewed those in our community who had constructed their own.  We wrote a little about the concept of a home dungeon, but now that I have created my own, I’ll share what I have learned and how easy it is to convert a small space into a place for pain and pleasure. 

First, the space.  In my basement, I have a storage room with shelves, a deep freeze, washing machine, and dryer.  However, in the middle, I have a space of about 6 x 8 feet.  I figured it was a perfect area for what I wanted.  It is important to note that this space is connected to my garage.  So, guests walk through it often.  Consequently, I needed to make sure it was a space that I could easily set up and tear down.  I would have designed it a bit differently if it had been a permanent space.    

To create ambiance, I decided to get some black sheets from the store that I would use to enclose the space.  I wanted both the Dom and sub to be able to forget that they were in a basement, and the black sheets would help do the trick.  

The ceiling was not finished, so that was perfect.  I was able to buy some adhesive clips that I would stick to the joists.  I wanted something that could stay on the joists but not be too noticeable when the sheets were down. 

I got a hole punch for the sheets, and started to hang the sheets in a square around the 6x8 space.  Now, let me give you a piece of advice; wash the sheets before hanging them for the first time because I had spaced the clips just perfect so the sheet would be taut as I was hanging it.  And then after I washed the sheets, they shrunk just a bit which was a pain.  I had to repunch some of the holes and move the clips.  Lesson learned - wash and dry the sheet first, then punch the holes.  So, I stood on a ladder, would hang a clip, stretch the sheet to the clip, then punch a hole with a hole puncher, and then hang it.  

I should have overlapped the sheets a bit when I hung them.  Since I didn’t, I needed to use some paperclips to join them together.  Lesson learned there.    

I went to the local hardware store to get the chains and fasteners or links.  I got the shackles online...I paid a bit more for them because I wanted the high quality.  You do not want your sub thinking about how uncomfortable his wrists are during, so I encourage you to splurge a little on them.  (I also use the shackles with the chains, and sometimes rope, on my bed. :)  ) I would have also gotten a pulley to hoist my sub up, but that is a bit advanced for me and would have required a bit more research on my part.   

Now, pay attention to the weight limits for the chains.  You want to make sure you get the fasteners fasteners and chains that will support enough weight.  The last thing you want is worrying about if the sub you have chained there is going to fall. 

I also used a bolt and a large washer as to not damage the wood and to hold the bolt in place.  *You are responsible for knowing the structural capacity of your home, walls, and joists.  If you do not know if the weight can be supported, seek professional guidance. 

I also decided to use the deep freezer to my advantage.  It would be a perfect place to set down implements.  So, I positioned the clips in the ceiling just right where the sheet would sit just on top of part of the freezer.

I put a small chair in there.  I wanted something to be able to put my foot on if I wanted to grab the suspended sub and put him over my leg or also lay something down.  It is also handy to use if he isn’t chained up and you want him to hold on to it and bend over for caning, paddling, or any other fun activity.



Next, the floor.  Hmm.  I decided to go the store and buy a rug.  In my mind, I was thinking of a red thick rug that would caress your bare feet.  It would also be comfortable to lay on.  And I found just the perfect one.

I was just about finished.  You can see the air purifier on the floor in the picture on the right.  The sheets had a new glue-type smell to them even after I washed them, so I had an air purifier in there for a bit to help with that.    Plus, I was expecting a guest that evening to use it.  :) 

Now the lighting, I went to the store and got a bulb that would change colors that I would control from my phone.

Then I was finished and ready to play.  

I hope you enjoyed learning about my new play space.  Please reach out if you want some ideas or assistance in creating your own personal space.  The key is to think of an area, no matter how small or large, that you can transform for you and your partner.  In fact, when I first used it, I blindfolded my sub and took him down there.  I chained him up, had the red light on, and then took off the blindfold.  He was so shocked and then excited.  He said he felt like he was in a different place and it excited him.  We had an amazing time.  So, good luck and have fun!         

For more information and pictures of home dungeons, check out our book (pp. 117-120), Bad Lads, Strict Sirs and the World of Adult Male Spanking

*Please make sure you always play safe and respect all limits under a safe, sane, and consensual framework. 


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